Wednesday 16 September 2015

How to Unhide Files and Folders after Malware Virus Attack

First, let's unhide your files by changing the system settings of Windows.

For Windows XP

1) Open My Computer
2) Click on Tools
3) Click on Folder Options
4) Click on the View Tab
5) Place a dot on the option "Show Hidden Files and Folders"
6) Click Ok

For Windows Vista

1) Click on the Windows Orb (Start button)
2) Click on Computer
3) Click on Tools
4) Click on Folder Options
5) Click on View
6) Click the option for "Show Hidden Files and Folders"
7) Click Ok

For Windows 7

1) Click on the Windows Orb (Start button)
2) Click on Computer
3) Click on Organize
4) Click on Folder and Search Options
5) Click on View
6) Click the option for "Show Hidden Files and Folders"
7) Click Ok

Now you should be able to see all of your files and folders. However, they still have the hidden file attibute set. When we remove the hidden attribute on the files and folders, all of your files should reappear normally.

To Unhide files and folders that Windows Diagnostic, Windows XP Restore and other malware hide

For Windows XP

1) Click on Start, Run
2) Type CMD and press Enter
3) At the command prompt type the following and press Enter

CD \

4) Now the command prompt should show the root folder of the hard drive. Most likely C:\
5) At the command prompt type the following and press Enter

ATTRIB -H *.* /S /D

This command will unhide the files that are currently hidden. Because the important system files have a system attribute attached to them as well, the above command will not work for them and they will be skipped and kept hidden from prying eyes.

This command will take some time, so dont be afraid if it takes anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour to finish. What the command does is simple. It removes the hidden attribute from all files on the hard drive. The /S parameter tells it to search the current folder and all subfolders, while the /D parameter processes tthe folders as well.

6) Type Exit and press Enter when the procedure is complete. Then reboot your computer

For Windows Vista/7

1) Click on Start, All Programs
2) Click Accessories and Find Command Prompt
3) Right click on the Command Prompt option and choose Run as Administrator
4) At the command prompt type the following and press Enter

CD \

5) Now the command prompt should show the root folder of the hard drive. Most likely C:\
6) At the command prompt type the following and press Enter

ATTRIB -H *.* /S /D

This command will unhide the files that are currently hidden. Because the important system files have a system attribute attached to them as well, the above command will not work for them and they will be skipped and kept hidden from prying eyes.

This command will take some time, so dont be afraid if it takes anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour to finish. What the command does is simple. It removes the hidden attribute from all files on the hard drive. The /S parameter tells it to search the current folder and all subfolders, while the /D parameter processes tthe folders as well.

7) Type Exit and press Enter when the procedure is complete. Then reboot your computer

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