Friday 18 September 2015

5 Best Cloud Storage Services

1. Collaborate and Store Files for Free with Google Drive

Google has entrenched in our daily online lives to the point where the company's name is sometimes used as a verb ("Google that for me, please.") Formerly known as Google Docs, Google Drive allows businesses to not only backup their files online but also edit files in a solo or team environment. One does have to create a Google specific account in order to use the service. Users get 15GB free, with tiered storage plans all the way up to 30-TB.
Google Drive
Made For the Way You Work: Big Ideas and Innovation from Windows 10 and Lenovo

2. Free Storage and Windows Integration with Microsoft OneDrive

With the majority of desktops and laptops running Windows OS, it makes sense for Microsoft to have its own cloud storage service. OneDrive - originally called SkyDrive until British television broadcaster BSkyB filed a lawsuit - will sync files and folders across a range of devices, including those running Mac, iOS, and Android. OneDrive is baked in to the new Windows 10, right there in File Explorer. Unsurprisingly, OneDrive offers the same amount of free storage as Google Drive - 15-GB.
Top Cloud Storage

3. SpiderOak  Features "Zero Knowledge" Privacy Policy

Most cloud storage systems encrypt data as it’s being uploaded. SpiderOak goes a step further by encrypting files locally on one’s computer, then uploading it to their servers. Passwords are stored locally too, meaning the company has no way of decrypting the information, a critical distinction depending on what type of information one's business is storing in the cloud. This also means, of course, if a user forgets their password, the data can't be recovered. SpiderOak offers 2-GB for free, 1-TB is $12/month.
Best Cloud Storage

4. ZipCloud Offers Simple, Safe Storage

This cloud service allows business owners to send and share files with employees, clients, or co-workers. Owners can configure the service so each team member has their own account, allowing them to individually backup and share files. The sync folder feature allows teams to share large files with co-workers. Plans start at around $70/mo for 500-GB shared amongst 20 users, all the way up to 5-TB shared amongst 150 users for 10x the price.
Zip Cloud

5. Store and Sync with Box

Most of the cloud services out there trumpet their ability to keep files stored online. Users can do this with Box but its main selling point is to centralize business documents in the cloud for easier collaboration. Employees can work securely across teams, mobile apps allow users to access files on the fly while desktop apps sync files and share links through Outlook. Businesses can sign up for a free 14-day trial and, if they like it, can stick around for $15 per user and unlimited storage.
Box Cloud Storage

Windows 5 Tips for Desktop PC

1. Change the Address Bar Default Browser

After installing Windows 10, if you keep the Address bar on your desktop, you may notice it loads websites in the Microsoft Edge browser. To change this, open your preferred browser, click settings and set the browser (i.e. Firefox or Chrome) to be your default browser.
  • FireFox: Select Settings, Options then locate the default browser options from the General tab.
  • Chrome: Select Settings, scroll to bottom of tab. Options is listed under Default Browser.
Address Bar Browser Default
How to Protect Your Business Against Cyber Attack

2. Change Privacy Settings

When installing Windows 10, the Express install will find you agreeing to sharing all sorts of private information and data. You can change your privacy settings at any time after install.
  • From the Windows Start menu click settings.
  • Select Privacy.
  • Under the Privacy Tab (General, Location, Camera and so on) many of the options can be turned off.
Windows 10 Privacy

3. Run Windows 10 in Tablet Mode

By default, Windows 10 will offer the Start screen on your desktop PC. If you prefer the look and style of full-screen apps instead, you can activate the Tablet Mode.
  • From the System Tray, open the Windows 10 Action Center.
  • Select Tablet Mode icon.
  • You can deselect Tablet Mode at any time to turn it off.
Windows 10 Tablet Mode

4. Customize the Windows 10 Start Menu

For many, the return of the Start menu is a really big deal. In fact, the Start menu can be considered the hub of your desktop PC. The default Start menu is loaded with live tiles and filled with your most used apps. If it is too much clutter for you, then try removing the suggested apps or replacing them with ones you'll use.
  • From the Start menu click Settings.
  • Select Personalization.
  • Click the Start tab.
From this screen you can turn off suggestions, recently added apps and choose which folders appear in Start. This will customize the left side of your Start Menu.
The right side of the Start menu contains the Windows 10 default selection of Live tiles, such as Twitter, Calendar, Mail and more. You can remove any of the default apps listed and also add your own favorites.
  • To remove a tile, open the Start Menu, right click app and select Unpin from Start.
  • To add new tiles, open the Start menu and select All Apps.
  • Find the app you want pinned to your Start Menu, right-click the app and select Pin to Start
Windows 10 Start Menu

5. Cortana on the Desktop

Cortana Circle
With Windows 10, Microsoft's sassy virtual assistant, Cortana has made the leap from smartphones and tablets to the desktop. After setting up options and verifying you have a working microphone, you simply click the microphone button on the Cortana search box to start talking commands and asking questions.
  • To get started, open the Windows search box and click the Cortana circle on the left-hand side. This will take you through the process of setting up the Cortana virtual assistant on your desktop PC.
Cortana Privacy

11 Tips to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal

1. Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal With Updated Router Firmware

Updating router firmware -- something many of us forget to do -- is an important first step to boosting your wireless signal. Keep your firmware up-to-date to ensure optimal device security and performance. If you're not sure how to update your router firmware, this PC Magazine offers sound advice on how to find and download updates for consumer wireless routers.
Realizing the Promise of Software-Defined Networking

2. Update Your Network Adapter for Best Wi-Fi Performance

It takes two to tango, so updating the firmware on your PC or laptop is another good way to improve your wireless connection. Your router could be blasting out high-quality, light-speed Wi-Fi but if your device is operating with outdated firmware, well… it's the equivalent of drinking the Atlantic Ocean through a straw.

3. Find the Best Place for Your Wi-Fi Router

Realtors often cite "location, location, location" when extolling the virtues of a home. The same is true for Wi-Fi routers. Network performance is affected by distance, so place your router in a central location. Wi-Fi doesn't travel well through walls or floors constructed of dense material like brick or marble, so avoid putting your router in a nuclear bunker or at the bottom of a well.

4. Replace the Antenna to Boost Wi-Fi Signal

Many auto racers replace the original engine in their car with a more powerful one in order to increase performance. Replacing your router's built in antenna with a stronger, omnidirectional antenna will help boost your Wi-Fi signal.
Webopedia Stuydy Guide Section DID YOU KNOW...? A common misconception is that the term Wi-Fi is short for "wireless fidelity," however this is not the case. Wi-Fi is simply a trademarked phrase that means IEEE 802.11x.

5. Consider a High-Gain Antenna

In this instance, high-gain has nothing to do with the weight one puts on after mowing through three cheeseburgers and a jumbo pizza. High-gain antennas can be a costly solution but are a great way to boost your Wi-Fi signal if one's existing router supports the addition of an external antenna.

6. Use a Second Router as an Access Point to Boost Wi-Fi

Just like using an extension cord to bring electricity closer to when you need it, using a second router as an access point can boost your Wi-Fi signal quite nicely. To help make configuration of this option less troublesome, try employing an access point from the same manufacturer as your router. PC Mag offers some great tips.

7. Try a Wi-Fi Booster (Extender)

Repeaters and extenders can help broaden the range of your existing Wi-Fi. The concept of these two solutions is the same but with an extender you will likely need a different SSID requiring its own login. Third party testing has revealed which ones do the best job of covering dead zones. Need a little more help? Try Webopedia's SSID definition to get started.

8. Remove Obstructions to Improve Wi-Fi Signal Strength

Just as one removes their sibling from their line of sight when trying to finish the last mission in Grand Theft Auto V on Xbox, it's a good idea to get rid of any obstructions which may be blocking your wi-fi signal. Placing your router in an elevated location helps too.

9. Choose the Right Wi-Fi Channel

Breaker-breaker: get off this channel. Though most users don't change the channel on which their router is broadcasting Wi-Fi, it is possible to choose a different channel. For maximum throughput and minimum interference, independent research has shown channels 1, 6, and 11 to be the best choices. 

10. Use  inSSIDer to Maximize Your Wireless

Third-party services such as inSIDDer allows a user to visualize their wireless environment in order to adjust one’s router settings for maximum performance. Diagnostic tools will help you determine if all your access points are visible, if you are on the right channels and evaluate your signal strength.

11. Stop Neighbors From Stealing Your Bandwidth

It's not just your lawnmower and household tools that your neighbor won't return. They could, inadvertently of course, be stealing your bandwidth. Employing complicated passwords, using creative network SSID names and enabling network encryption are good starting points when making sure your bandwidth is not enjoyed by the noisy neighbors across the hall.

13 Best Free Android Apps

1. Bleep Offers Private and Secure Instant Messaging

It's no secret that WhatsApp is at the top of the instant messaging heap, but despite its popularity, security and privacy concerns remain. Bleep is a great alternative from the makers of BitTorrent which offers fully encrypted messages which, critically, are stored locally, not on the cloud. In the style of Snapchat, Bleep's whisper option deletes messages as soon as it is read. Download it here.

Android Bleep App

2. Manage Your Cloud Storage With Unclouded

Between Dropbox, Google Docs, OneDrive, and a host of others, online storage can get cloudier than your vision after a good night of partying.  Fortunately, there is a freemium app called Unclouded which aims to grant access to all your far-flung online files through a single app. It isn't possible to peruse more than one cloud account at a time, but an intuitive menu system allows you to switch back and forth without entering and exiting multiple apps for multiple cloud services. Unclouded provides details on how may files are in each account and the amount of available remaining space. Download it here.
Tales of the Unbelievable
Android Unclouded App

3. Find Apps faster with App Dialer

Remember at the dawn of texting when we would laboriously type words using the grid-style number pad on our flip phones? Those days are back with App Dialer, which allows Android users to search for apps using a T9 keypad. This time around, though, a simple touch of the key corresponding to either of its three letters will show all the possibilities of apps which can be formed with those characters. A sequence of 9-2-4 corresponds to W-H-A, for instance, bringing up WhatsApp as a potential match. Download it here.
Android App Dialer

4. Use Snapseed  to Tweak Your Digital Snaps

Originally launched as a desktop tool, Snapseed is a powerful must-have photo editing tool. Combing simple, one tap effects with excellent editing power and an intuitive UI have made this app a hit with smartphone wielding photographers. Recently released Snapseed 2.0 allows users to retrace their editing steps by saving your adjustments as re-editable layers. Download it here.
Android Snapseed App

5. Docs To Go offers Easy and Lightweight Editing

For lightweight word-processing and editing of text, Docs To Go remains one of the easiest to use and slimmed down apps available. In addition to text, Docs To Go supports editing of spreadsheets and integrates well with cloud storage. As long as one never needs to give a long winded slide-based presentation, this app may be all that’s required. Download it here.
Android Docs To Go App

6. Open Word Docs and More with Microsoft Office

Like it or not, documents created with Microsoft Office abound. At some point, Android users will either be asked to open or create a file in this format. Gasp! I know. The good news is Microsoft's suite of Office programs are available on Android for free and the apps are rather well designed, too. Word, Excel, & PowerPoint are included, so one can open and edit these documents no matter the location. It's worth noting the MacBook Air on which this article is being typed refused any and all attempts to auto-correct the word Microsoft. Go figure. You can download it here.
Android Microsoft Office

7. Uber Offers Smooth Traveling

Traveling in an unfamiliar city and can't find a cab? Uber is essentially a on-demand network of private cars run through a smartphone app. Using GPS, Uber will pinpoint your location and send a driver to pick you up (if one is nearby, of course). Leave your cash at home; Uber drivers only accept digital forms of payment such as credit cards or PayPal. Users are encouraged to rate their drivers after each trip. Download it here.
Android Uber App

8. Drupe Lets You Manage All Your Messaging Apps

Between Facebook Messaging, WhatsApp, and regular old SMS, mobile users have a myriad of messaging apps to manage. Drupe is a Play Store app which attempts to corral all of a user's messaging apps (and send messages!) in one place. Once installed on your device, Drupe organizes all your contacts and messaging apps, placing your contacts on the left side of the UI and messaging apps on the right. Download it here.
Android Drupe App

9. Google Translate: Handwritten or Spoken Text Accepted

Star Trek promised us a lot of cool gadgets, not the least of which was the Universal Translator, which allowed Captain Picard to threaten hostile alien species with ease. Google Translate is our 21st-Century equivalent, offering word-for-word translations of over 70 languages accepting input via text, speech, or even text recognition using your device camera. Google's translation will be displayed in text form or read aloud through your phone's speaker. Shields up! Red alert! Download it here.
Android Google Translate App

10. Talk With Up to 200 People With Popcorn Buzz

Group chat is great, up to a certain point when the conversation gets so large it's almost impossible to tell who is saying what via text. Popcorn Buzz allows users to call up and talk with to 200 people at the same time. It would work well for business conference calls, or when you need to talk with Uncle Joe and Aunt Maisie on Christmas Day to thank them for the new socks. Download it here.
Android Popcorn Buzz App

11. Spotify is a  jukebox in Your Pocket

Spotify is a music streaming service, turning your Android device into a virtual jukebox. Users can listen for free, while downloading tunes for offline listening requires a premium account. Recently, version 3.0 update brought a redesigned UI with larger control buttons. With the announcement that Apple's Music streaming service will be available on Android, it will be interesting to see what further improvements Spotify's team has up their sleeves in what is quickly becoming a crowded market. Download it here.
Android Spotify App

12. Google Keep: A Virtual Android Corkboard

Google Keep is an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Pinterest, with its pinning of all your favorite things, corkboard style. With Google Keep, users can go a step further by record audio notes for their corkboard along with to-do checklists and favorite pictures. It should already be in your pre-loaded Android apps; if not, download it here.
Android Google Keep App

13. Zoho Docs: The Iconic Document Platform

This Android app works great for freelancers who need to work with a variety of documents in a myriad of formats. With a simple and easy to navigate UI, Zoho can open virtually all of your documents in cloud storage without users having to worry about compatibility. Sharing documents with other Zoho users is exceptionally easy. The ability to save documents locally is a huge bonus. Download it here.
Android Zoho App

Wednesday 16 September 2015

How to Unhide Files and Folders after Malware Virus Attack

First, let's unhide your files by changing the system settings of Windows.

For Windows XP

1) Open My Computer
2) Click on Tools
3) Click on Folder Options
4) Click on the View Tab
5) Place a dot on the option "Show Hidden Files and Folders"
6) Click Ok

For Windows Vista

1) Click on the Windows Orb (Start button)
2) Click on Computer
3) Click on Tools
4) Click on Folder Options
5) Click on View
6) Click the option for "Show Hidden Files and Folders"
7) Click Ok

For Windows 7

1) Click on the Windows Orb (Start button)
2) Click on Computer
3) Click on Organize
4) Click on Folder and Search Options
5) Click on View
6) Click the option for "Show Hidden Files and Folders"
7) Click Ok

Now you should be able to see all of your files and folders. However, they still have the hidden file attibute set. When we remove the hidden attribute on the files and folders, all of your files should reappear normally.

To Unhide files and folders that Windows Diagnostic, Windows XP Restore and other malware hide

For Windows XP

1) Click on Start, Run
2) Type CMD and press Enter
3) At the command prompt type the following and press Enter

CD \

4) Now the command prompt should show the root folder of the hard drive. Most likely C:\
5) At the command prompt type the following and press Enter

ATTRIB -H *.* /S /D

This command will unhide the files that are currently hidden. Because the important system files have a system attribute attached to them as well, the above command will not work for them and they will be skipped and kept hidden from prying eyes.

This command will take some time, so dont be afraid if it takes anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour to finish. What the command does is simple. It removes the hidden attribute from all files on the hard drive. The /S parameter tells it to search the current folder and all subfolders, while the /D parameter processes tthe folders as well.

6) Type Exit and press Enter when the procedure is complete. Then reboot your computer

For Windows Vista/7

1) Click on Start, All Programs
2) Click Accessories and Find Command Prompt
3) Right click on the Command Prompt option and choose Run as Administrator
4) At the command prompt type the following and press Enter

CD \

5) Now the command prompt should show the root folder of the hard drive. Most likely C:\
6) At the command prompt type the following and press Enter

ATTRIB -H *.* /S /D

This command will unhide the files that are currently hidden. Because the important system files have a system attribute attached to them as well, the above command will not work for them and they will be skipped and kept hidden from prying eyes.

This command will take some time, so dont be afraid if it takes anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour to finish. What the command does is simple. It removes the hidden attribute from all files on the hard drive. The /S parameter tells it to search the current folder and all subfolders, while the /D parameter processes tthe folders as well.

7) Type Exit and press Enter when the procedure is complete. Then reboot your computer

Monday 14 September 2015

Social Networking Awareness

Social Networking Awareness

As the popularity of social networking sites continues to grow, so do the security risks associated with them. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin have become main targets for hackers.
Because of the threat posed by cyber criminals, taking it upon yourself to secure your social networking accounts is of the utmost importance. Below are several tips for securing your social networking accounts to keep hackers out and your private information safe.
How to Protect Yourself
  • Use strong passwords.
  • Treat everything as public.
  • Share only with people you know.